Sexual Health In Practice

As part of an initiative to increase sexual health service across the Western Victorian Region, Anglesea Medical have partnered with the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre to support you with your sexual health needs.

We offer confidential asymptomatic screening and symptomatic diagnosis and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. We encourage regular routine screening through out nurse led program. Read on…

  • Nurse led and GP supported evaluation and consultation

  • STI screening with encouragement of regular routine screening

  • Support and treatment of chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea and genital warts

  • Testing and treatment for individuals with STIs

  • Sex worker safe zone

  • Prescribing services for preventative HIV (PEP/PREP)

*If you wish to discuss your needs further or clarify if a non-specified service is available, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our staff are here to help.

Services provided will attract a medicare rebate, and Anglesea Medical does not routinely bulk bill, if costs are a concern for you accessing the clinic please call to discuss.

Sexually transmissible infection (STIs) are common.

  • Keep it safe

    If you have sex, you can get an STI – even if you practise safe sex most of the time. Barrier prophylaxis (stopping infections) with condoms are the best protection, but nothing (other than avoiding touching people or their body fluids!) is 100% effective for prevention of STIs.

    Fortunately most STIs can be treated, but if they go untreated it could have serious impacts on your health.
    Unfortunately not all STIs have obvious symptoms, so you may not even know you have one.

    As part of keeping it safe, we recommend regular STI screening - how frequently depends on lots of factors, including how many different people you’re having sex with. At least once a year

  • Get tested - screening versus symptoms

    Depending on your needs, there are two main ways to access STI testing and treatment.

    1. If you have no symptoms, then call the clinic and ask for a SHIP appointment for screening. You will be booked in directly with one of our specialist nurses.

    2. If you have a symptoms of an STI, please call the clinic and ask for a SHIP appointment for symptoms, and you will be booked to see the nurse and you will see one of our doctors as well. We will endeavour to have you seen as soon as possible if you have symptoms.

    Currently calling (03)42156700 (option 1) is the quickest way to make your SHIP appointment. Online bookings are avialable, but if it looks like too long to wait, please call reception for more urgent appointment - particularly if you have symptoms.

    Testing will usually involve blood and urine tests, as well as swabs where necessary.